I suppose it's been a while, for which I apologize. I was busy moving across the country and trying to get my act together for graduate school. I suppose the break was good to acquire new music and just marinate over my opinions, but I feel guilty neglecting the site. I'll resume opinions soon, and I may try podcasting provided i make the time to do so. I also started a tumblr about a week ago. I imagine that the podcasts will go both there and here. Some of you may know that I did a radio show in college, and I kind of miss that structured playtime. So why not relive that experience thanks to modern technology? I'll try and get my act together, for all our benefits. Since I don't have much of a social life, I took all of five minutes to come up with a name and "artwork" for this radio show, as you can see. I'm trying to convince my roommate to join me on the show, so look out for that. But it will happen, and there will be music.
Well I'm glad you're sort of back. I was watching that Spurs-Clippers game on League Pass and it was probably the most entertaining game of the year.
espn3 really has the clippers covered well so far, so maybe their game against the nuggets on friday will be just as good. perhaps they'll shoot over 45%. at leas the blazers are off to a good start.
it's good to know i was missed.
I felt like Bledsoe at the point actually made them more watchable. Baron can be a really boring and conventional sort of a player when he's not playing well.
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